IgorAnimation, among its other unnatural and deranged abilities, can take images and from them create 3D shapes. The colors of the image are used to determine extrusion into space. The more intense the color the more extrusion. This page allows you to upload your own images and create three kinds of shapes from those images. Make A World allows you to create a planet from your image file. Color determines elevation. Make A Land creates a rectangular piece of terrain from your image file. Color determiens elevation. Make A Vase creates a cylindrical bumpy vase from your image file. Color determines bumpiness.

Once you upload a file you will be taken to a page with the image on it. The shape created is not static. There are a number of controls that will allow you to make changes to the resulting shape and to its coloring. Play around with the controls to see what effects you can make.

We don't save your images. Indeed, once Igor has sucked the image data dry, we destroy them immediately. And we don't retain the image data either. At the bottom center of the page is a text box labeled Image Name and a buton labeled Make Image. Using these you can create a downloadable image of your 3D creation. Clicking on Make Image will take you to a page with the new image, available to be grabbed to your desktop as normal. After making an image you can go back to the page with the controls to create more views should you wish. We freely grant copyright to the images created on these page from an uploaded image to the owner of the copyright of the uploaded image.

There are a few eccentricities which are browser dependant:
We can't control how large a file you can upload. That's between you and your web browser. Some browsers will automatically create the new shape when the page loads, others don't. If you see a plain blue shape once the page is loaded:
Click on the Make button on the upper left ofthe page to make the shape from your image. Enjoy!

Make A World

Make A Land

Make A Vase

The demos below use IgorImage to modify the images themselves. Each of the demos displays aspects of the changes as small images. Clicking on any of these will make it the main central image. Make A Frieze takes an image and produces a frieze-like image from it. It is the most complex of the three. Modify with bell curves transforms the colors of your image using bell curve functions. Tile and Twist alters your image by tiling the the image (making copies of it in rows and columns) then distorting the tiling.

Make A Frieze

Modify with bell curves.

Tile and Twist.